Catalan Sheepdog Breed Information and Buying advice

Catalan Sheepdog

Are You Looking to Buy or Adopt a Catalan Sheepdog?

Quick Catalan Sheepdog Facts

Average Size of Adult
Medium (3/5)
Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy
Grooming Requirement
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Average Life Span
12-14 years (5/8)
Exercise Requirements
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Low (1/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Child friendly
Yes (1/2)
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Breed Group
Pastoral (3/8)
No (2/2)

Catalan Sheepdog


The Catalan Sheepdog is a popular herding dog and family companion. This ancient breed originates in the Spanish Pyrenees where the Catalan Sheepdog continues to be used today for herding and guarding livestock. The Catalan Sheepdog is a gentle and devoted dog with a friendly temperament, they are patient with children and make excellent family dogs. When in a family environment, the Catalan thrives on attention and loves spending one-on-one time with their owners. Catalans are easy to train but need plenty of exercise and love attention from their owners. This sheepdog is also a natural watchdog that is always aware of their surroundings.

Physical Appearance 

There are two varieties of the Catalan Sheepdog, a long-haired and a short-haired variety. However, the short-haired Catalan Sheepdog is extremely rare and is virtually extinct so the long-haired Catalan Sheepdog is more common. The Catalan Sheepdog is a charming dog that is well-balanced and medium in size. Their body is longer than it is high and the Catalan Sheepdog has a strong head with a straight muzzle and black nose.  

Catalan Sheepdog have round amber - chestnut colour eyes that hold an intelligent and alert expression. Their triangular ears are high set and hang close to their head. Catalans have black lips and their tongues sometimes have dark pigmented patches. 

The Catalan Sheepdog is strong, muscular and their body is covered with a dense coat. Their oval feet have firm pads and their toes are close together with black, strong nails. This sheepdogs tail is low set and covered with wavy hair, it hangs down when relaxed and raised when the Catalan Sheepdog is excited. When the Catalan Sheepdog moves they walk with short strides and a smooth gait. 

The coat of the Catalan Sheepdog is rough and can be straight or wavy. They have a fine undercoat and their face has eyebrows, a beard and a moustache. Catalans can be fawn, sable, grey or black.

How big do Catalan Sheepdogs get? 

  • Height - Males: 47 - 55cm, Females: 45 - 53cm

  • Weight - Males: 20 - 25kg, Females: 20 - 25kg

Character Traits

As with most herding breeds, the Catalan Sheepdog is an energetic dog that is easy to train. This sheepdog is eager to please their owners and they enjoy one-on-one training. Catalan Sheepdogs can be independent at times but they are loyal and will be affectionate with their family. As Catalans have high energy levels they need to get plenty of exercise each day and they often benefit from participating in dog sports. As the Catalan Sheepdog has been bred to herd and guard livestock, they are always alert and make excellent guard dogs. This breed is never aggressive but will stand their ground and bark when necessary. 

Are Catalan Sheepdogs intelligent? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs affectionate? Yes

Do Catalan Sheepdogs have high or low energy levels? High energy levels

Are Catalan Sheepdogs loyal? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs playful? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs aggressive? No

Are Catalan Sheepdogs easy to train? Yes, but they can be independent thinkers

Are Catalan Sheepdogs good guard dogs? Yes

Ability to Socialise 

Catalan Sheepdogs are social and usually get on well with other dogs. They will even get on with cats and other animals if they have grown up together. However, care must be taken around unfamiliar animals as Catalans have a strong urge to chase animals. Thanks to their gentle nature and natural affinity with children of all ages, Catalans are popular family pets. Although, these Sheepdogs will be aloof around new people but they don’t take long to warm up and show their gentle side. 

Do Catalan Sheepdogs get along with other pets? Yes, if they have grown up together

Do Catalan Sheepdogs get along with other dogs? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs good with kids? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs good with strangers? No, they are wary of people they don’t know

Lifestyle Suitability

The Catalan Sheepdog is a good choice for active first-time owners as the breed is people-orientated and eager to please. However, the Catalan Sheepdog is a high energy dog so they need plenty of space and access to a secure garden where they can spend time off lead playing and running around. As the Catalan Sheepdog forms strong bonds with their owners they do not do well when left on their own, this means they need to be with a family where someone is going to be with them all the time. Catalans shed moderately throughout the year and they handle all temperatures well. One thing to keep in mind is that these sheepdogs tend to bark a lot but this can be managed through training. 

Are Catalan Sheepdogs good for first-time owners? Yes, they are easy-going and highly trainable

Are Catalan Sheepdogs hypoallergenic? No

Are Catalan Sheepdogs prone to drooling? No

Are Catalan Sheepdogs a good breed for apartment living? No, they need access to a secure garden

Do  Catalan Sheepdogs shed a lot? They shed moderately year round

Do  Catalan Sheepdogs bark a lot? Yes

Can Catalan Sheepdogs be left alone at home? No

Can Catalan Sheepdogs handle the heat? Yes

Can Catalan Sheepdogs handle cold temperatures? Yes

Are Catalan Sheepdogs sensitive to loud noises? No

General Health & Health Issues

The Catalan Sheepdog has an average life expectancy of 12 - 14 years. They are hardy dogs that seem to be healthy overall. One health condition that Catalans are known to suffer from is hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is caused by abnormal development of the hip joints and this causes pain, swelling and arthritis. This condition can be treated and managed with physiotherapy, medication, controlled exercise and surgery.

How long do Catalan Sheepdogs live? 12 - 14 years

Exercise & Play Time

As a herding breed it is no surprise that Catalans have a huge amount of energy. These sheepdogs need at least 1 hour of exercise per day and in addition to that they need to play lots of interactive games and thrive in agility and obedience classes. As Catalans are a social breed, they are happy to walk in parks with other dogs but equally they enjoy long countryside walks that are kept interesting. Take care when letting a Catalan Sheepdog off their lead, they have a strong urge to herd animals and livestock so should only be let off lead in secure areas. Fortunately, the Catalan Sheepdog are responsive to commands so will stay close if they have been taught the appropriate commands. 

How much exercise does a Catalan Sheepdog dog need? At least 1 hour per day

Do Catalan Sheepdogs like water play? Yes, they love water and enjoy swimming

Nutrition & Feeding

Catalans need to be fed a good quality dry food that is formulated for an active medium-sized breed. A Catalan Sheepdog puppy needs between 150 - 360g of dry food per day, the actual amount will depend on the individual puppy and this should be split into 3 - 4 portions and offered throughout the day. This is only a rough estimate, the amount of food a Catalan Sheepdog needs depends on the individual dog. As every dog is different, they need a personal dietary plan made to suit their age, build, health and activity level. 

Are Catalan Sheepdogs prone to weight gain? No

How much should I feed a Catalan Sheepdog puppy? Between 150 - 360g of good quality dry food depending on the puppy’s age and build

How much should I feed an adult Catalan Sheepdog dog? Between 175 - 365g of good quality dry food depending on the weight and activity of the dog

Care & Maintenance

Grooming: The long coat of the Catalan Sheepdog needs to be brushed a couple of times a week to keep it tidy and free from tangles. These Sheepdogs enjoy being groomed as it is a great opportunity for one-on-one attention, which Catalans thrive on. It’s important to check the Catalans teeth and ears regularly and clean them as needed. It is also important to keep their nails trimmed. 

Emotional Care: As a herding dog, the Catalan Sheepdog needs to have a job to do to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. This means they need plenty of exercise and lots of one-on-one interaction. It’s a good idea to take your Catalan Sheepdog to obedience and agility classes as this is a great way to keep them busy. If these sheepdogs are left alone or don’t get enough daily exercise they can begin exhibiting destructive behaviours and may bark constantly as a way of expressing themselves.

History of the Catalan Sheepdog

The Catalan Sheepdog originates from North Eastern Spain. The breed is believed to be the ancestor of the dogs seen in 8th and 12th century tapestries that depict Charles the Great with two large dogs that look similar to the Briard. These dogs are thought to have been the ancestors of the Beauceron, Briard, Picardy, Pyrenean and Catalan Sheepdog. 

The Catalan Sheepdog has been used for centuries to guard and herd livestock. They are good natured dogs that are highly prized for their herding abilities. After the Second World War, the population of Catalans declined massively and it wasn’t until 1970 that breed enthusiasts began to regenerate the breed. Today, the breed numbers of the Catalan Sheepdog remain small but these impressive dogs are finding their way into the hearts and homes of people throughout Europe. 

Interesting Facts About Catalan Sheepdogs

  • The Catalan Sheepdog is believed to be an ancient breed

  • Catalan Sheepdogs originate from the Spanish Pyrenees 

  • The Catalan Sheepdog was the mascot of the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games

  • The Catalan Sheepdog is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world

Getting a Catalan Sheepdog Puppy

If you feel like the Catalan Sheepdog is the right dog for you, take a look at our buying guide for advice on the next steps. Always be aware of scams and bad breeding practices when looking for a puppy. At Puppies, all breeders are vetted to ensure they are responsible. Take a look at our Catalan Sheepdog page to find available puppies in your area. 

How much does a Catalan Sheepdog cost to buy? £1500 - £3000

How much does a Catalan Sheepdog cost to feed? £55 per month

How much does insurance for a Catalan Sheepdog cost?  £30 per month

As Catalan Sheepdog puppies are expensive and hard to come by, an alternative option is adopting a rescue. We recommend speaking to your local dog shelter about the breed or speaking to the associations below: 

Contact the Catalan Sheepdog Club of GB about adoption 

Rehome a Catalan Sheepdog with the Dogs Trust